Refund & Return Policy

Last Updated: Aug20,2024


We at Taja Fish & Grocers Limited are committed to ensuring that every purchase you make with us is a satisfying experience. Our Refund and Return Policy outlines the steps you can take if you need to return an item or request a refund.

Eligibility for Returns

You may return an item if:

  • The item is in its original condition, unused, and with all original packaging.
  • The return is within 14 days of the delivery date.
  • You have a valid receipt or proof of purchase.


The following items are not eligible for return:

  • Fresh produce, seafood, and meat products due to their perishable nature.
  • Customized or personalized items.
  • Items on sale or marked as final sale.

Return Process

  1. Contact our customer service within 14 days of receiving your order to initiate a return.
  2. Provide your order number and reason for the return.
  3. Receive a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number.
  4. Package the item securely, including the original receipt and the RMA number.
  5. Ship the item to the address provided by our customer service team.


Once we receive and inspect the returned item, we will process a refund to your original payment method within the following 7-10 business days. Please note that:

  • Refunds will be issued for the purchase price only; shipping and handling fees are non-refundable.
  • If the return is a result of our error, we will cover the return shipping costs.


If you would like to exchange an item for the same or a different product, please follow the return process above and specify your exchange request. We will contact you to arrange the exchange once we have received and inspected the returned item.

Additional Information

  • All sales are final on clearance items.
  • We reserve the right to refuse returns or exchanges if the item is not in the condition required for a return.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or need assistance with a return or refund, please contact us at: